Continue reading Multisite searches

Multisite searches

Multisite search only works in Relevanssi Premium. Free Relevanssi can be installed in multisite environments, but it cannot search across sites. Relevanssi Premium can only support multisite searching across sites in the same multisite network. Relevanssi can’t search across multiple sites that are not in the same multisite installation. Cloud-based search tools can help you…

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Continue reading Category title in the search results page

Category title in the search results page

If you’re using category restriction dropdown on your search form, here’s a bit of code that you can add to your search results template to show how many hits were found and what the category is. If no category was selected, this’ll just show how many hits were found.

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Continue reading Filter search results by date

Filter search results by date

You can specify date limits on searches with by_date search parameter. Here’s a link you can add to your search results page to offer your visitor the ability to restrict the search results to last day: <?php echo ‘<p><a href=”‘ . get_bloginfo(‘url’) . ‘?s=’ . get_search_query() . ‘&by_date=1d”>results from the last day</a></p>’; ?> The date range is…

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Continue reading Sorting search results

Sorting search results

If you want something else than the default relevancy ranking, you can use orderby and order parameters for the search query. Orderby accepts $post variable attributes and order can be asc (ascending) or desc (descending). The most relevant attributes here are most likely post_date and comment_count. If you want to give your users the ability…

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Continue reading Direct access to the query engine

Direct access to the query engine

Relevanssi can’t be used in any situation, because it checks the presence of search with the is_search() function. This causes some unfortunate limitations and reduces the general usability of the plugin. You can, however, access the query engine directly. There’s a function called relevanssi_do_query(), which can be used to do search queries just about anywhere. Here’s a…

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Continue reading Showing the number of search results

Showing the number of search results

If you want to show the number of search results found on the search results template, you can find the value in the variable $wp_query->found_posts. Just add <?php echo ‘<p>Found ‘ . $wp_query->found_posts . ‘ hits.</p>’; ?> in your search results template. In case that produces no results, try introducing the global $wp_query variable like…

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