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Debugging indexing problems

The easiest way to debug indexing problems is to use the WP CLI tools available in Relevanssi Premium. To see how Relevanssi sees the post 123, just use the following command on the command line:

wp relevanssi index --post=123 --index_debug=true

This will print out how Relevanssi sees the post, how it appears in the different steps of the indexing process and the database queries Relevanssi uses to save the post data.

If WP CLI is not available or you are using free Relevanssi, this’ll do pretty much the same thing:

add_action( 'wp', function() {
 if (is_user_logged_in()) {
  relevanssi_index_doc( 123, false, relevanssi_get_custom_fields(), true, true );

Add this snippet to your theme functions.php file and change 123 to the ID number of the post you want to inspect. Then go visit any page on the front-end of your site. Once you’re done, remove the code.

2 comments Debugging indexing problems

  1. Hi,

    I’m using Woodmart theme for my store. When I use Woodmart AJAX search only it index the product page contents including product descriptions but product attributes and categories.

    When I add Relevanssi, it index all the attributes, categories but product content such as descriptions.

    How can I index product page content such as short description, product description along with attributes and categories using Relavanssi.


    1. Product description is stored in the excerpt, so make Relevanssi index the excerpt. Product attributes and categories are taxonomies, so make Relevanssi index all those, too. Product description is just post content, which is always included.

      The Woodmart AJAX search doesn’t use Relevanssi. You can try this snippet in your theme functions.php to help with that:

      add_filter( 'woodmart_ajax_search_args', 'rlv_enable_relevanssi' );
      function rlv_enable_relevanssi( $args ) {
      $args['relevanssi'] = true;
      return $args;

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