Continue reading Most important Relevanssi debugging trick

Most important Relevanssi debugging trick

When you have problems with Relevanssi, these are the first steps to take: Make sure you have the latest version of Relevanssi. If not, upgrade. Try deactivating the plugin and reactivating it. Are you using Yoast Local SEO? Read this. Try deleting the plugin and reinstalling it from scratch. If that doesn’t help, then approximately…

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Continue reading Setting post_type to page doesn’t work

Setting post_type to page doesn’t work

For some reason setting the post_type query variable to page doesn’t have the desired effect. Other post types (post, custom post types) work, but page doesn’t do anything. This is not a Relevanssi bug, but a WordPress feature (see this trac ticket). If the user inputs a bad value to the post_type query variable, WordPress…

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Continue reading Filtering results by category

Filtering results by category

In order to filter search results by category, use the following code: $url = get_bloginfo(’url’); $url = esc_attr(add_query_arg(array(’cat’ => ’10’, ‘s’ => get_search_query()), $url)); echo "<a href=’$url’ rel=’nofollow’>Filter by category 10</a>";$url = get_bloginfo(‘url’); $url = esc_attr(add_query_arg(array(‘cat’ => ’10’, ‘s’ => get_search_query()), $url)); echo "<a href=’$url’ rel=’nofollow’>Filter by category 10</a>"; Put this in your search results…

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Continue reading Related searches feature

Related searches feature

John Blackbourn wrote a cool related searches feature for Relevanssi Premium. It’s included from version 1.7.4. In order to use the related searches, you must have search logging enabled and a good log of past searches. Then add the following code to your search results template in a suitable place: The first parameter is the…

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Continue reading Using Relevanssi without a search term

Using Relevanssi without a search term

Deprecated: Relevanssi has long supported searching without a search term. These instructions are not necessary. Version 1.7.3 introduces the possibility to use Relevanssi without a search term. This is useful when you have extra query arguments that can be used to narrow the search, but which would be useful without a search term present. This…

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Continue reading Taxonomy archive search

Taxonomy archive search

This is a Premium feature and only applies when you index taxonomy terms. This does not apply in free Relevanssi. To include taxonomy pages (categories, tags, custom taxonomies) in the search, enable the option on the options page. There’s also the option to choose which taxonomies are included. By default empty terms (not linked to…

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Continue reading Custom weighing with relevanssi_match and relevanssi_results

Custom weighing with relevanssi_match and relevanssi_results

The relevanssi_match hook lets you modify the matches found for queries. It passes a match object, which has the post id ($match->doc), number of hits found in different parts of the post and the weight assigned to the post ($match->weight). Here’s how Relevanssi calculates the weight: Where $idf is the inverse document frequency, aka the…

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Continue reading Changing the number of search results displayed

Changing the number of search results displayed

A standard way to change the number of search results displayed is something like this: Unfortunately, this breaks Relevanssi. Relevanssi hasn’t played nice with posts_per_page in any case, for some reason I don’t really understand — this is legacy code from the original wpSearch plugin. However, from Premium version 1.4.4 and free 2.9.2, you can…

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Continue reading Search results breakdown by type

Search results breakdown by type

Do you want to have a breakdown of search results by post type? This could be used for example to show a list of post types like books, movies, or albums on a review site, and make them links to limit the search results to that post type. This is fairly easy to do with…

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