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Premium 2.13 / Free 4.11

These versions add new filter hooks, support for All-in-One SEO and include a bunch of bug fixes here and there, most importantly in the Oxygen support.

2.13.1 / 4.11.1

  • There’s a problem in searching for user profiles and taxonomy terms in 2.13.0, results may not be what is expected. This has been fixed in 2.13.1.
  • There may be occasional fatal errors if certain functions get the wrong kind of data. These problems have been mitigated in 2.13.1 / 4.11.1. If this still happens, please let us know.

New features

  • New filter hook relevanssi_rendered_block filters Gutenberg block content after the block has been rendered with render_block().
  • New filter hook relevanssi_log_query can be used to filter the search query before it’s logged. This can be used to log instead the query that includes synonyms (available as a parameter to the filter hook).
  • New filter hook relevanssi_add_all_results can be used to make Relevanssi add a list of all result IDs found to $query->relevanssi_all_results. Just make this hook return true.
  • New filter hook relevanssi_acceptable_hooks can be used to adjust where in WP admin the Relevanssi admin javascripts are enqueued.
  • Support for All-in-One SEO. Posts marked as ‘Robots No Index’ are not indexed by Relevanssi.
  • New setting in advanced indexing settings to control whether Relevanssi respects the SEO plugin ‘noindex’ setting or not.

Changed behaviour

  • Type hinting has been added to Relevanssi functions, which may cause errors if the filter functions are sloppy with data types.
  • Relevanssi no longer logs queries with the added synonyms. You can use the relevanssi_log_query filter hook to return to the previous behaviour of logging the synonyms too. Thanks to Jan Willem Oostendorp.
  • relevanssi_the_title() now supports the same parameters as the_title(), so you can just replace the_title() with it and keep everything else the same. The old behaviour is still supported.
  • When using ACF and custom fields indexing set to ‘all’, Relevanssi will no longer index the meta fields (where the content begins with field_).

Minor fixes

  • (Premium) In some cases, having less than or greater than symbols in PDF content would block that PDF content from being indexed.
  • (Premium) PDF content wasn’t being indexed in some cases where custom field indexing was otherwise disabled.
  • The Oxygen compatibility made it impossible to index other custom fields than the Oxygen ct_builder_shortcodes. This has been improved now.
  • (Premium) In Related posts, random posts from the same category could include duplicates of posts in the related posts.
  • Old legacy scripts that caused Javascript warnings on admin pages have been removed.
  • (Premium) relevanssi_premium_get_post() always returns WP_Post objects now, never stdClass objects.
  • The search results log export did not do anything useful when no data was found. Now the export provides a message “No search keywords logged”. Thanks to Jan Willem Oostendorp.

You can get the new versions from the Download page and from the plugin repository.

3 comments Premium 2.13 / Free 4.11

  1. Hi Mikko,
    thanks a lot for the update! Unfortunatly the Composer Update URL is not ready, yet.
    Would be great to update via Composer.

    Kind regards,


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