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Premium 2.21 / Free 4.18.4

Relevanssi Premium gets a bigger version number bump than the free version this time. The 4.18.4 release of the free plugin is a minor update, while 2.21.0 adds a significant new feature. You can now add weights for pinned words to control the order of the pinned posts. This new feature is documented on the Pinning posts page.


  • New feature: You can now add weights to pinned terms to control the order of the pinned posts.
  • New feature: New filter hook relevanssi_add_attachment_scripts lets you add the attachment scripts to other post types than attachment.
  • New feature: New filter hook relevanssi_highlight_query lets you modify the search query for highlighting.
  • Changed behaviour: Relevanssi no longer searches in feed searches by default.
  • Minor fix: The filter relevanssi_get_attachment_url is also used when adding the attachment metabox.
  • Minor fix: No more crashes from Polylang’s forced plugin updates.
  • Minor fix: PHP 8.1 deprecated FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING; those are now replaced.


  • New feature: New filter hook relevanssi_highlight_query lets you modify the search query for highlighting.
  • Changed behaviour: Relevanssi no longer searches in feed searches by default.

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