Continue reading Premium 2.24 / Free 4.21

Premium 2.24 / Free 4.21

These versions are maintenance releases, with some new filter hooks that allow more customization and some requested debugging tools. The rest of the updates are small bug fixes in fairly uncommon situations. 2.24.4 2.24.3 2.24.2 / 4.21.2 2.24.1 / 4.21.1 2.24.0 / 4.21.0 You can get the new version from the automatic updates. The Premium…

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Continue reading Premium 2.13 / Free 4.11

Premium 2.13 / Free 4.11

These versions add new filter hooks, support for All-in-One SEO and include a bunch of bug fixes here and there, most importantly in the Oxygen support. 2.13.1 / 4.11.1 There’s a problem in searching for user profiles and taxonomy terms in 2.13.0, results may not be what is expected. This has been fixed in 2.13.1.…

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Continue reading Premium 2.2.2 / Free 4.1.1

Premium 2.2.2 / Free 4.1.1

Version 2.2.2 of Premium and the matching 4.1.1 version of free include some minor fixes to search parameters. The biggest fixes are related to meta key sorting of results, some annoying error messages that crop up if you try to sort by an ACF field for example should be gone now. There were also some…

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