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Premium 2.1.7 / Free 4.0.11

It’s been a while from the previous Relevanssi release, and there’s plenty of fixes to all sorts of issues in this version. Nothing major, though, couple of unpleasant interface issues are fixed and there are several improvements in how highlighting works in excerpts.

Relevanssi has been tested to be compatible with WordPress 4.9.8.

Premium updates:

  • The API key option in the network options wasn’t very intuitive. It’s better now.
  • Direct attachment links in search results work better now, especially in cases where the site has moved.
  • Improved handling of certain edge cases in taxonomy search.
  • The Import / Export options tab was missing (very few people complained, so perhaps that feature is not very important…).
  • The status of the ‘Index PDF contents for parent post’ option didn’t show up correctly on the settings page.
  • When indexing custom MySQL column data, stopwords and minimum word length weren’t applied properly.
  • Fix for pinning in multisite context.
  • Removed unnecessary post types from the weight setting list.

Updates for both versions:

  • Home page links were getting the highlight parameter even though they shouldn’t. This has been fixed.
  • Added support for WP JV Post Reading Groups.
  • Improved handling of HTML entities.
  • Events Made Easy Calendar shortcodes are now removed when building excerpts.
  • set_time_limit() was removed from the indexing; it’s no longer necessary, and it can break the indexing on sites that don’t allow the use of the function.
  • relevanssi_post_title_before_tokenize filter was moved a bit so that it’s the last thing that runs before tokenizing.
  • Disabled shortcodes are handled better in the indexing: the shortcode names won’t be indexed anymore like they were before.
  • Made sure there won’t be a warning for non-numeric values when searching.
  • New filter: relevanssi_clean_excerpt lets you remove unwanted highlights from excerpts.
  • Highlighting works better with pre and code tags.
  • New filter: relevanssi_comment_author_to_index lets you filter comment author names before indexing.
  • relevanssi_comment_content_to_index doesn’t include the comment author name anymore.

The new Premium version is now available as an automatic update and from the Download page. The free version is not out yet, but will be available from the plugin repository soon.

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