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Adding direct links to outside pages to search results

Hi, is there a way to add a link to another website when searching for certain keywords? We have a few affiliates and we want to include a direct link to their websites in the search results when certain terms are searched for. How would I go about this? A straight-forward approach for this is…

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Indexing product codes with and without spaces

A Relevanssi Premium customer had a problem with product codes. The codes are in the format “ABC 100”, a group of letters and digits with a space in between. Users may search for the codes without the space, so the post should be found with “ABC 100” or “ABC100”. The product codes don’t appear in…

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Continue reading Premium 2.1.7 / Free 4.0.11

Premium 2.1.7 / Free 4.0.11

It’s been a while from the previous Relevanssi release, and there’s plenty of fixes to all sorts of issues in this version. Nothing major, though, couple of unpleasant interface issues are fixed and there are several improvements in how highlighting works in excerpts. Relevanssi has been tested to be compatible with WordPress 4.9.8. Premium updates:…

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Continue reading Free 3.3.6 / 3.3.7

Free 3.3.6 / 3.3.7

Relevanssi 3.3.6 was released on Friday, and today followed by 3.3.7. You can see the release notes of 3.3.6 below. 3.3.7 just fixes a new incompatibility with bbPress, probably triggered by WordPress 4.0 update. Relevanssi handles taxonomy terms in search better. The change requires a reindexing. Fix in indexing: Relevanssi will now bypass the global…

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