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Premium 1.13

Relevanssi Premium 1.13 is finally out. The new version includes fixes for WP 4.0 compatilibity, a bunch of bug fixes and couple of new features.

As for the new features, Relevanssi can now pin posts on top of the search results based on keywords. To pin a post, go to the post edit page and add a list of comma-separated search terms. When somebody searches for one of those terms, the post should come up first in the results.

Relevanssi can now index synonyms. This is helpful, because it allows you to use synonyms with AND search. That has been impossible before. Just check the “Index synonyms” option and then rebuild the index.

These features are still slightly experimental. Any feedback is welcome.

  • New feature: You can now pin posts on particular search terms.
  • New feature: Synonyms can now be defined in indexing, allowing them to be used with AND searches. (Thanks to Christoph Daum.)
  • Relevanssi handles taxonomy terms in search better. The change requires a reindexing.
  • Fix in indexing: Relevanssi will now bypass the global $post when indexing. This should help with problems with the Cookie Law Info plugin, for example.
  • Tax query relation setting didn’t work properly. It is now fixed.
  • Word-based excerpt building sometimes created too short excerpts. That is now fixed.
  • Synonyms are now highlighted.
  • Phrase matching had issues where searching for a too common phrase crashed the search. That has been fixed.
  • LIKE operator didn’t work properly in meta_queries.
  • API key field in settings is now a password field so clients and users can’t see the API key.
  • Relevanssi created lots of unnecessary post_meta rows and didn’t clean up properly afterwards. Now unnecessary rows are not created, and everything is cleaned up properly.
  • Problems with Avatar Upload plugin are fixed.
  • Offset errors with mb_stripos() shouldn’t happen anymore.
  • Relevanssi tables are now added to wpmu_drop_tables to ensure neat cleanup with WPMU.
  • A small problem in taxonomy search MySQL fixed, also a small problem with AND operator in tax_queries.
  • Did you mean function now handles umlauted alphabet (ä, ö, ü and å).
  • Fixed a bug with WP_Date_Queries. Thanks to Charles St-Pierre.
  • New filter: relevanssi_post_to_index lets you access the post object before the post is indexed.
  • New filter: relevanssi_orderby lets you modify the $orderby value before Relevanssi sorts posts.
  • New filter: relevanssi_order lets you modify the $order value before Relevanssi sorts posts.
  • New filter: relevanssi_post_title_before_tokenize lets you modify post titles before indexing.
  • New filter: relevanssi_private_cap lets you adjust the capability setting for private posts in custom post types.

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