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Free 3.3.6 / 3.3.7

Relevanssi 3.3.6 was released on Friday, and today followed by 3.3.7. You can see the release notes of 3.3.6 below. 3.3.7 just fixes a new incompatibility with bbPress, probably triggered by WordPress 4.0 update.

  • Relevanssi handles taxonomy terms in search better. The change requires a reindexing.
  • Fix in indexing: Relevanssi will now bypass the global $post when indexing. This should help with problems with the Cookie Law Info plugin, for example.
  • Tax query relation setting didn’t work properly. It is now fixed.
  • Word-based excerpt building sometimes created too short excerpts. That is now fixed.
  • Synonyms are now highlighted.
  • Phrase matching had issues where searching for a too common phrase crashed the search. That has been fixed.
  • LIKE operator didn’t work properly in meta_queries.
  • Problems with Avatar Upload plugin are fixed.
  • Offset errors with mb_stripos() shouldn’t happen anymore.
  • A small problem in taxonomy search MySQL fixed, also a small problem with AND operator in tax_queries.
  • New filter: relevanssi_post_to_index lets you access the post object before the post is indexed.
  • New filter: relevanssi_orderby lets you modify the $orderby value before Relevanssi sorts posts.
  • New filter: relevanssi_order lets you modify the $order value before Relevanssi sorts posts.
  • New filter: relevanssi_post_title_before_tokenize lets you modify post titles before indexing.
  • New filter: relevanssi_private_cap lets you adjust the capability setting for private posts in custom post types.
  • Deprecated use of like_escape has been fixed.

Relevanssi Premium 1.13 with these, and other features, is coming shortly.

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