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Premium 2.1.3

This version fixes several annoying bugs in version 2.1.2. The user interface suffered a bit in the process of solidifying Relevanssi code, as in couple of cases there was an overzealous amount of security applied, breaking bits of the user interface. Also, there were some simple programming errors, causing some user interface elements misbehave.

This version should cover most of the remaining issues, leaving you with smoother, more pleasant experience with Relevanssi Premium. For the users of the free Relevanssi, version 4.0.7 contains most of these updates.

  • Recent post bonus is now applied to searches.
  • Exact term setting can now be disabled.
  • Users of Members plugin would have drafts appear in search results. This is now fixed.
  • Pinned keywords would appear in the list of exlusion keywords, and you couldn’t set exclusion keywords. That is now corrected.
  • ‘Index unindexed posts’ works better.
  • Removing quotes and apostrophes in indexing didn’t work properly.
  • Attachment indexing progress meter fixed.
  • The ‘Highlight from external searches’ option was removed. It’s not supported by Google or Bing anymore, so there’s little point in keeping it.

Get the new version from the Download page, or use the WordPress auto-update.

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