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Premium 2.0.4

It’s been a while since the previous Relevanssi Premium update, and that’s why there’s now a pile of small improvements in Relevanssi. There are no major bugs to fix in this version.

One of the biggest improvements comes to user indexing: that was downright impossible with a large enough user base, as was found out by a Relevanssi Premium customer with more than 16,000 users. Now the users are indexed in smaller steps, which should increase happiness quite a bit.

  • User indexing is now done in steps, after it turned out to be impossible to index 16,000 users at once.
  • New filter: relevanssi_do_not_index_term lets you control whether or not taxonomy terms are indexed.
  • New filter: relevanssi_excerpt_query filters the search query before building excerpts.
  • Fixed filter: relevanssi_custom_field_value didn’t get the post ID correctly.
  • Relevanssi used sanitize_hex_color, which isn’t actually reliably available.
  • Multisite searches didn’t support orderby and order parameters.
  • Did you mean suggestions have been improved.
  • Single-word phrases are not allowed anymore, as they do no good. They are silently converted to non-phrases now.
  • relevanssi_get_permalink doesn’t add the highlight parameter to URLs outside search results pages anymore.
  • Setting post type or post content weight to 0 didn’t work.
  • Search form shortcode echoed out the search form, instead of returning it as it should.
  • Gravity Forms shortcode is now disabled in Relevanssi indexing.
  • ACF repeater field indexing doesn’t break if you try to index multilevel repeaters (that still won’t work, but it won’t break everything either).
  • HTML tags are stripped from post excerpts when using the excerpt to build Relevanssi excerpts.
  • New option: if you choose to hide Relevanssi from post edit pages, you can allow admins to see the Relevanssi post controls.

You can get the new version from the Downloads page or from the WordPress automatic updates.

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