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Sometimes unexpected things happen when releasing updates for Relevanssi Premium. Version 2.2.3 passed all our tests with flying colours and during our local testing showed no signs of trouble. However, once it was released, bug reports started trickling in – incompatibility with the Redirection plugin (which we’ve never used), problems with Internet Explorer (which we can’t use), so on.

Fortunately the solution to these issues was quickly found and a fix can be provided. Version is recommended for all users, because it fixes all sorts of problems with the Redirects feature.

2 comments Premium

    1. Carr, check your email – I responded to your email 16 minutes after you sent it. Here’s my response, in case the email went missing:

      “You have the free version.

      Can you provide me some concrete examples of products that can’t be found as expected, or searches that fail to return the results you expect? That would help me figure out what’s wrong.

      For example, you mention the puzzle piece – I can’t find that product on your site at all, and when I do searches for other things, the search seems to return the expected results. ”

      If the free version works well for you, there’s absolutely no reason to pay for Premium! Use the free version if you’re happy with it, that’s why we’ve released the free version. In case of problems, Premium customers do get better service, even though we do answer all questions from free version users, and usually pretty fast, too – if the email hadn’t go missing, you’d have had your response in just 16 minutes.

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