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Free 3.5.9 /

This update matches Relevanssi Premium 1.15.1 and contains some improvements to how Relevanssi works. The biggest change is the added support for taxonomy queries using field set to name.

Here’s the full list of changes:

  • Improved the way highlighting handles HTML tags, especially when highlighting on post pages.
  • The throttle limit setting was removed from the settings page for causing trouble. If you need to change it, update relevanssi_throttle_limit option directly.
  • Relevanssi didn’t support tax_queries with field set to name. That works now.
  • Much faster way of showing the 25 most common words in the index. If you’ve disabled this feature because it was so slow, try enabling it – you might be surprised!

3.5.9 was immediately followed by because there were problems with the plugin repository syncing. The versions are almost identical: makes few more strings translatable, that’s all.

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