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Premium 1.15.1

Relevanssi Premium 1.15.1 adds new features and contains bug fixes.

The biggest new feature is WP CLI support. Relevanssi Premium now includes WP CLI commands that can be used to access Relevanssi features from the command line. The most important one is wp relevanssi index, which can be used to rebuild even large indexes without timeouts and other problems.

  • Enabling “Index synonyms” setting with an empty synonym list caused post content and title indexing to fail.
  • Wrong pages creeping into navigation menus from multisite searches should be history now.
  • Relevanssi Premium now offers WP CLI support. See wp help relevanssi or the user manual for instructions.
  • Relevanssi didn’t support tax_queries with field set to name. That works now.
  • Much faster way of showing the 25 most common words in the index. If you’ve disabled this feature because it was so slow, try enabling it – you might be surprised!

The new version can be downloaded from the downloads page or via automatic updates.

2 comments Premium 1.15.1

  1. updating on WP 4.7.4 returns fatal error on ajax search : Call to undefined method stdClass::set() on plugins/relevanssi-premium/lib/search.php:1241

    the AJAX search returns 500.

    1. What are you feeding Relevanssi? There should not be a stdClass object, Relevanssi is expecting a WP_Query object. It is not expected to work without one. So make sure you’re passing an actual WP_Query object.

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