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Premium 1.14.5

Relevanssi Premium 1.14.5 is a recommended release, as it fixes significant bugs that caused failures when custom fields contained arrays and when front-end plugins created posts.

Multisite users are happy to find out meta_query support has been added to multisite searches and the post type filters work better.

  • Relevanssi had problems with plus signs in search queries.
  • 500 errors caused by arrays in custom fields should be gone now.
  • Post type filters in multisite searching work better now, and meta_query support is now added. (Thanks to Maxime Culea.)
  • Improvements to the ACF select field support.
  • Relevanssi will not break when frontend plugins insert posts.
  • Polylang support has been improved.
  • WPML and Polylang filters work when fields is set to ids.
  • relevanssi_match filter has a new parameter, which contains the search term.
  • relevanssi_post_ok filter was missing from the multisite search.

If your API key is set and your license is valid, the new version will be available from the WordPress plugin management, but you can also download it from the Download page.

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