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Free 3.0.4

Still more bugs ironed out from the free version. My time has recently been limited, so work on the next version of Premium has been stalled, but I’m getting there. The good news is, all these bugs would’ve haunted the Premium version as well.

  • Fixed another problem with the Jetpack Contact Form.
  • Fixed an error message caused by searching for numbers.
  • Phrases are now also recognized in drafts and attachments.
  • You can now set post_types to ‘any’.

4 comments Free 3.0.4

  1. Hi there,

    sorry to mention but on my wordpress intallations (i tested on two of them) Relevanssi causes the search to show “no matches”. The count of indexed pages in the backend shows that the pages are indexed but nothing ist found anyway. Now, I disabled your great plugin to have at least the regular search working.

    Any idea?


    1. Thanks for the quick reply Mikko,

      i read the debugging tricks, and as i seem to be the only one having this issue, i tested for conflicts with other plugins. I found that your plugin is working perfectly if i disable a plugin called “Role Scoper”. Looks like a permissions issue. I’m going to dig deeper into this.

      Thanks again,

    2. Sorry,

      I am such an idiot. In your “read me” you name the solution for this issue. Sometimes it just helps to actually read the read-me.

      Best regards,

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