Continue reading Premium 2.24 / Free 4.21

Premium 2.24 / Free 4.21

These versions are maintenance releases, with some new filter hooks that allow more customization and some requested debugging tools. The rest of the updates are small bug fixes in fairly uncommon situations. 2.24.4 2.24.3 2.24.2 / 4.21.2 2.24.1 / 4.21.1 2.24.0 / 4.21.0 You can get the new version from the automatic updates. The Premium…

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Continue reading Oxygen and Ninja Tables

Oxygen and Ninja Tables

Relevanssi has support both for Oxygen and Ninja Tables, but the way the Ninja Tables support is done, it’s not working when used with Oxygen. The Ninja Tables support in Relevanssi is looking for the Ninja Tables shortcodes in the post content, but Oxygen keeps everything in custom fields. Fortunately, the fix is simple: you…

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Continue reading ACF: Indexing File field title

ACF: Indexing File field title

I use the ACF field type File for a download section, but the displayed file title is not indexing. The format I return the ACF field data is “File Array (array)”. For Relevanssi, it doesn’t matter which ACF return format you choose. Relevanssi doesn’t use get_field() but instead uses the plain get_post_meta(). That always returns…

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Continue reading Relevanssi 4.0.3

Relevanssi 4.0.3

Version 4.0.3 fixes problems in Relevanssi 4.0.2. The biggest issue is the indexing: version 4.0.2 always leaves some posts unindexed and requires the user to continue indexing. This version fixes that issue and other small issues. Relevanssi didn’t index all posts with one go. It does now. © and ® symbols caused problems in indexing;…

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Continue reading Relevanssi Premium 2.0.3

Relevanssi Premium 2.0.3

Version 2.0.3 is mostly maintenance, fixing bugs in previous versions. There have been some issues with the PDF indexing, some wrinkles we’re still ironing out. As a new feature, you can now have Relevanssi automatically read the contents of new PDF files – that wasn’t possible before. This setting is disabled by default, as it…

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