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Relevanssi 4.0.3

Version 4.0.3 fixes problems in Relevanssi 4.0.2. The biggest issue is the indexing: version 4.0.2 always leaves some posts unindexed and requires the user to continue indexing. This version fixes that issue and other small issues.

  • Relevanssi didn’t index all posts with one go. It does now.
  • © and ® symbols caused problems in indexing; they are now included in the default punctuation removal.
  • In some cases excerpt-building could take ages because of autoembed link discovery. Relevanssi now blocks the autoembed procedure in link-building.
  • New filter: relevanssi_custom_field_value is used to filter custom field values both before indexing and before excerpt-building. Parameters include the field name and the post ID.
  • Updated filter: relevanssi_index_custom_fields now gets a second parameter that contains the post ID.

THe new version is available from the plugin repository and with auto-update.

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