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Premium 1.5.12.beta

Finally, the next beta version is here! This is not recommended for production sites, but I’d appreciate if you could test this. Bunch of new bug fixes and features:

  • If a custom field limitation is set and no matches are found, no results are returned.
  • New filter relevanssi_fuzzy_query. This can be used to change the way fuzzy matches are made.
  • There’s a meta box on post and page edit pages that you can use to exclude posts and pages from search.
  • User profiles couldn’t be found, unless respect exclude_from_search was disabled. I’ve fixed that.
  • OR fallback search had a bug. Fixed that.
  • Custom field searches support phrases. Thanks to
  • Fixed a bug that caused problems when paging search results.
  • get_the_excerpt filters weren’t triggered on excerpt creation. the_excerpt is not used, as it will add unnecessary HTML code to the excerpts.

Get yours from the download page (it’s down in the list of all versions) or use the automatic upgrade feature from the plugin list. If the automatic upgrade doesn’t work, see if the API key have in the plugin settings matches what this web site is saying — there may be a mismatch, thanks to a bug in the API key code I just fixed.

We’re getting closer to the release of 1.6, it might be the next release actually.

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