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Premium 1.5.11.beta

Next beta in the series that leads to 1.6. This time with new features:

  • New filter relevanssi_do_not_index. Filter is passed a post id and if it returns true, the post will not be indexed.
  • New query variable: use tag or tags to filter results by tag. Both take comma-separated lists of tag ids (not tag slugs or names) and filter results by them (it’s an OR, not AND operation).
  • New filter relevanssi_ellipsis. Use this if you want to change the ‘…’ appended to excerpts.
  • Relevanssi-created excerpts are now passed through the_excerpt and get_the_excerpt filters.
  • Attachments (with post status inherit) couldn’t be found in search. Now they can.
  • Amount of SQL queries made in indexing has been reduced a lot. Less memory should be required. I’d appreciate any reports of changes in the database re-indexing performance.

If you’ve installed 1.5.10.beta, this upgrade should appear in the plugins list. Looks like it works, too. I already know that installing from the more information window doesn’t work.

For future updates you will need an API key. If you’ve logged in, your API key will appear in the sidebar.

Download here.

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