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Premium 1.5.13.beta

Here’s the last beta before 1.6.

  • Support for s2member membership plugin. Search won’t show posts that the current user isn’t allowed to see.
  • New filter relevanssi_post_ok can be used to add support for other membership plugins.
  • Better way to choose which post types are indexed.
  • Post meta fields that contain arrays are now indexed properly, expanding all the arrays.

I noticed the beta versions haven’t been downloaded much. That kind of undermines their point, as no bugs will get hammered out if nobody tries the betas. I’d really hope as many people as possible give this version a go, so I can make 1.6 as bug-free as possible.

The option page has seen another big fix. Choosing post types to index is hopefully much clearer now. I will add more fixes like that in the future. This fix, however, means that you must set the post type indexing options again.

The new filter will get a knowledge base entry soon.

2 comments Premium 1.5.13.beta

  1. Morning – trying out the Premium beta 1.5.13

    Seems when I’m logged in as admin and do a search on my home page (or anywhere else on the site) the counter that is displayed in my Dashboard shows 3 Hits instead of 1.

    I’m not looking for support, just an FYI to help with the beta.

    1. Thanks. That’s probably something I can’t really help with, as WordPress is probably displaying the amount of hits found by standard WordPress search. This is a common problem on the user side of things, but there it’s easy to fix by editing the search results template. Editing WP admin dashboard is harder…

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