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Premium 1.2

Relevanssi Premium 1.2 adds a feature that’s been requested a lot! Relevanssi can now highlight search terms from incoming searches from external search engines. If you get visitors from Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL Search or Ask, the search terms are now highlighted if you want to.

Those are all search engines Relevanssi recognizes for now, but adding more is certainly possible. Search tends to cluster to very few search engines, so I don’t want to add a huge list, but I take requests for new additions.

The highlighting uses the same highlights that internal searches use. If somebody thinks external search needs different highlights, that’s something I’d like to hear as well. Google-style different colours for different terms is not possible with the way Relevanssi handles the highlights for now, but I guess that’s something that can be changed.

There’s also a correction to the Did you mean? suggestions, there was a programming error. I also added a filter hook here to help fixing possible problems, see Did you mean? suggestions knowledge base entry. I also fixed the way shortcodes are handled when indexing documents, that was causing trouble with some plugins.

Download version 1.2 here.

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