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Premium 1.1

The first version of Relevanssi Premium is out now. For certain reasons it’s already version 1.1. Here’s what the changelog says about this version:

  • Multisite WordPress support. See Multisite searches in Knowledge Base for instructions on how to search multiple blogs.
  • Improved the fallback to fuzzy search if no hits are found with regular search.
  • AND searches sometimes failed to work properly, causing unnecessary fallback to OR search. Fixed.
  • When using WPML, it’s now possible to choose if the searches are limited to current language.
  • Adding stopwords from the list of 25 common words didn’t work. It works now.
  • The instructions to add a category dropdown to search form weren’t quite correct. They are now.
  • It’s now possible to assign weights for post types.
  • User profiles can be indexed and searched (see User profile search in Knowledge Base).

Some of these (fuzzy search fallback, AND search, the stopword fix, WPML fix) will make their way to free version, because they are essentially bugfixes, but the new features will be exclusive for Relevanssi Premium.

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