Continue reading Debugging with Query Monitor

Debugging with Query Monitor

Query Monitor is by far the best thing for a WordPress developer. It’s billed as the “Developer Tools panel for WordPress”, and that’s a good way to put it. If you’ve ever used the browser developer tools, you know what to expect. Query Monitor is a good way to figure out problems in Relevanssi searches,…

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Continue reading Relevanssi indexes excluded posts

Relevanssi indexes excluded posts

Sometimes it can happen the search results include posts from a post type that has been excluded from the index. When that happens, here are things you can check. Are you using Relevanssi? It’s possible your search results are not coming from Relevanssi. The quickest way to check is to use the Relevanssi admin search…

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Continue reading Debugging indexing problems

Debugging indexing problems

The easiest way to debug indexing problems is to use the WP CLI tools available in Relevanssi Premium. To see how Relevanssi sees the post 123, just use the following command on the command line: This will print out how Relevanssi sees the post, how it appears in the different steps of the indexing process…

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Continue reading Pinning and exclusion doesn’t work for custom post types in Gutenberg

Pinning and exclusion doesn’t work for custom post types in Gutenberg

Sometimes when you try to access the pinning or the exclusion settings for a custom post type post in the Relevanssi Gutenberg sidebar, you come across this error message: If you copy the error, the relevant beginning will look like this: Error: An error occurred while running ‘mapSelect’: Cannot read property ‘_relevanssi_pin_keywords’ of undefined The…

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Continue reading Debugging Relevanssi searching issues

Debugging Relevanssi searching issues

Relevanssi has plenty of useful filter hooks you can use to debug problems. Here are some examples of how you can use the Relevanssi filter hooks to debug issues. Add the functions one at a time to your site and run a search to see results. First, try the Relevanssi admin search. Before checking the…

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Continue reading Menu problems in multisite search

Menu problems in multisite search

Sometimes multisite searches cause problems in navigation menus. This is caused by pages from another subsite going into the page cache, and then replacing a page in the navigation menu with the same page ID. If you’re having this problem, adding the following code to the theme functions.php should solve the issue.

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Continue reading Results are in strange order

Results are in strange order

If best results don’t come up first and changing weighting settings doesn’t seem to make any difference, there couple of things you can do. Is Relevanssi active? The first thing is to check if the results are actually provided by Relevanssi. If you disable Relevanssi, do the results change? Do you see Relevanssi-generated excerpts? There…

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Continue reading Most important Relevanssi debugging trick

Most important Relevanssi debugging trick

When you have problems with Relevanssi, these are the first steps to take: Make sure you have the latest version of Relevanssi. If not, upgrade. Try deactivating the plugin and reactivating it. Are you using Yoast Local SEO? Read this. Try deleting the plugin and reinstalling it from scratch. If that doesn’t help, then approximately…

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