Continue reading Premium 2.19 / Free 4.17

Premium 2.19 / Free 4.17

Version 2.19.0 (4.17.0 for the free version) was the big maintenance release after the summer break. Version 2.19.1 / 4.17.1 Minor fix: WooCommerce layered navigation compatibility function caused enough problems that I disabled it by default. The problems included performance issues and incompatibilities with third parties, like BeRocket. You can enable the feature with add_filter(…

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Continue reading Debugging indexing problems

Debugging indexing problems

The easiest way to debug indexing problems is to use the WP CLI tools available in Relevanssi Premium. To see how Relevanssi sees the post 123, just use the following command on the command line: This will print out how Relevanssi sees the post, how it appears in the different steps of the indexing process…

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