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Premium 2.0.5

Version 2.0.5 fixes a nasty bug that made Did you mean suggestions stop working. It also includes couple of fixes and improvements, making life easier and removing some need for template changes.

  • Fixed a bug in “Did you mean” suggestions.
  • Paid Member Subscription shortcode compatibility improved.
  • Indexing works better when there are plenty of excluded posts.
  • Ampersand handling works better in titles.
  • Relevanssi won’t add the highlight parameter to links pointing to the front page anymore (because that makes those links point to the blog page).
  • There’s less need for relevanssi_get_permalink() now, as Relevanssi can adjust the links printed out with get_permalink().
  • The [searchform] shortcode can now take parameters, for example: [searchform post_types="page"] will print out a search form that only searches pages.
  • Small improvement for excerpt-building, thanks to ___ _______.

You can get 2.0.5 from the automatic update system, or you can download from the Download page.

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