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Premium 2.1.1 / Free 4.0.5

Thanks to a very eye-opening talk in WordCamp Jyväskylä earlier this year by Otto Kekäläinen from Seravo, Relevanssi code has been reviewed and modified to follow WordPress coding standards. As a result, there have been minor improvements all around the code to make things more robust and secure.

Every new Relevanssi Premium release is now also automatically tested. This should make sure any modifications to the code don’t break any old features. The test suite is still something of a work-in-progress. It’s available on Github if you want to take a look at it. More tests will be added as we come up with things to test, and whenever there’s a problem, we’ll add a test for it to make sure it won’t happen again.

Another good reason to bump up the version number a bit is the addition of new attachment types. Relevanssi can now handle the most common document types.

Update 27.3.2018: Well, looks like automated testing isn’t a perfect solution. Some overzealous security measures made the Network options page break a bit. Version 2.1.1 fixes that.

  • (Premium only.) Attachment indexing has been extended to many more document types: now it should be able to handle most document types, including Office and OpenDocument formats. It’s also slightly faster.
  • (Premium only.) There’s now an option to do attachment reading in an EU-based server.
  • (Premium only.) Attachment file name is not prepended to the excerpts automatically.
  • Custom field detail is no longer serialized. It’s now JSON. If you use custom field detail, rebuild the index and change your code to use json_decode() instead of unserialize().
  • relevanssi_the_tags() and relevanssi_get_the_tags() now have different set of parameters, more in line with the_tags() and get_the_tags().
  • Taxonomy indexing settings were emptied out if you saved another options tab. That is now fixed.
  • Improvements to WPML support; WPML is now less likely to be confused in multisite searches.
  • Updated filter: relevanssi_search_ok now gets the WP_Query object as a parameter, which is helpful if you’re not using the global $wp_query.
  • ACF Flexible Content field indexing didn’t work properly, possibly due to a change in ACF. That should now work better.

Get the latest version from the Download page.

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