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Premium 2.18 / Free 4.16

Version 2.18 adds the first draft of Oxygen 4 support. As a major fix to indexing, Relevanssi now removes all accents from letters by default.

Version 2.18.0 / 4.16.0

  • New feature: Oxygen compatibility has been upgraded to support JSON data from Oxygen 4. This is still in the early stages, so feedback from Oxygen users is welcome.
  • New feature: New filter hook relevanssi_oxygen_element is used to filter Oxygen JSON elements. The earlier relevanssi_oxygen_section_filters and relevanssi_oxygen_section_content filters are no longer used with Oxygen 4; this hook is the only way to filter Oxygen elements.
  • Changed behaviour: Relevanssi now applies remove_accents() to all strings. This is because default database collations do not care for accents, and having accents may cause missing information in indexing. If you use a database collation that doesn’t ignore accents, make sure you disable this filter (see here).
  • Minor fix: Stops drafts and pending posts from showing up in Relevanssi Live Ajax searches.
  • Premium. Minor fix: Remove array_flip() warnings from related posts.
  • Minor fix: Relevanssi used the_category filter with too few parameters. The missing parameters have been added.
  • Premium. Minor fix: Language translations didn’t update.
  • Minor fix: Phrases weren’t used in some cases where a multiple-word phrase looked like a single-word phrase.
  • Premium. Minor fix: Prevents fatal errors from relevanssi_extract_rt().
  • Minor fix: Prevents fatal errors from relevanssi_strip_all_tags().

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