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Premium 2.1.2 / Free 4.0.6

The previous versions of Relevanssi had couple of unpleasant bugs. Those bugs went pass the testing, but one of them is now a test case in the Relevanssi test suite (the rest aren’t, because right now, the test suit only tests things that are not related to other plugins).

  • MemberPress post control was backwards. These things happen when doing compatibility with Premium plugins you don’t have access to and thus can’t test.
  • WPML language restriction setting should now work as expected.
  • Fusion Builder shortcodes are automatically removed from excerpts.
  • Indexing failed when a same word appeared in two different taxonomies. This is now a test case, so this bug should never happen again.
  • (Premium only.) Internal link management had a bit of a bug in the indexing.
  • User searches page reset buttons fixed.
  • (Free only.) Missing tag and category weight settings are returned. Sorry about this: there’s certainly no purpose to ever remove any features from the free version.

Get the new version from the Download page, plugin repository or through WP automatic plugin updates.

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