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Premium 1.4

Quite a few changes in this version, both fundamental changes in the structure of the plugin and small bug fixes and something in between.

  • New database structure, which probably reduces the database size and makes clever stuff possible.
  • The throttle option had no effect, throttle was always enabled. Now the option works. You can now also either replace the throttle function with your own (through ‘relevanssi_query_filter‘) or modify it if necessary (‘relevanssi_throttle’).
  • Highlights didn’t work properly with non-ASCII alphabets. Now there’s an option to make them work.
  • Title highlight option now affects external search term highlights as well.
  • Stopwords are not highlighted anymore.
  • Fixed a small mistake that caused error notices.
  • Custom post types, particularly those created by More Types plugin, were causing problems.

Lots of stuff with highlights, mostly with fairly obvious results. The database stuff is important and requires a reindexing after the update to make things work.

Now each occurrence of a word in a document gets one row in the database, previously this created several rows: one for post content, one for the title, one for tags and so on. This solution reduces the number of database rows and makes things that much smoother (and makes the throttle, for example, much better). It also offers quite a few interesting possibilities for future development.

Since this is a fairly big change, I expect there are some bugs or at least unforeseen consequences. Please let me know if you notice anything unusual.

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