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Free 2.8

I released a new version of the free plugin yesterday. It has following features:
  • There’s now a way to truncate the cache (sorry it took so long). Expired cache data is now automatically removed from the database every day. There’s also an option to clear the caches.
  • Highlights didn’t work properly with non-ASCII alphabets. Now there’s an option to make them work.
  • Title highlight option now affects external search term highlights as well.
  • There were some bugs on the options page.

Nothing major, except the cache feature is pretty useful, if the cache has been in heavy use. The highlight fixes will appear in Relevanssi Premium 1.4, which is coming out fairly soon (it’s mostly done, I’m just considering if I should add a couple of features to it or not).

Get the version 2.8 from plugin repository.

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