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Premium 1.16.0 / Free 3.6.0

Versions 1.16.0 and 3.6.0 have a new major version number, because these versions change how Relevanssi attaches itself to queries. In my tests, this hasn’t affected how Relevanssi works, but it is possible that especially in unusual use cases this may cause problems.

On the upside, this change should reduce the number of compatibility issues between Relevanssi and other plugins. Please let me know if you bump into unexpected behaviour or broken searches. If you have a staging environment, it may be best to try this update there before deploying it to production.

In other changes, some meta queries made Relevanssi results wonky and inflated the relevancy values. This is now fixed, along with few other minor bugs and issues.


  • Changed a bit how Relevanssi attaches itself to queries. Instead of the global $wp_query, Relevanssi now uses the query passed as the parameter to the_posts filter hook. This should improve compatibility in some cases, but may cause problems in some fringe cases. If you’re doing something unusual with Relevanssi, try this out before deploying to public use.
  • Some meta queries caused major problems with the Relevanssi weighting algorithm. This has now been fixed.
  • Error notices caused by trying to use a non-existing taxonomy term have been removed.
  • Premium only: Internal link processing had some minor issues, which are now straightened out.

You can get Relevanssi Premium from the Download page. The free version is available from the plugin repository.

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