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Premium 2.15.3 / Free 4.13.3

These versions collect all the bug fixes and small improvements that I ran into during the summer. Next up is Premium 2.16, which will add bigger new features: at the moment I’m looking at developing proximity sorting (ie. show results that are nearest based on coordinates) and better search tracking. These will take some time…

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Continue reading Premium 2.14 / Free 4.12

Premium 2.14 / Free 4.12

This new version improves Relevanssi excerpt generation, making it faster especially with larger posts. Lots of small bug fixes are also included, making Relevanssi more robust. 2.14.5 / 4.12.5 (Premium) New feature: New WP CLI command wp relevanssi remove_attachment_errors clears out all attachment reading errors. Changed behaviour: relevanssi_excerpt_custom_field_content now gets the post ID and list…

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Continue reading Premium 2.13 / Free 4.11

Premium 2.13 / Free 4.11

These versions add new filter hooks, support for All-in-One SEO and include a bunch of bug fixes here and there, most importantly in the Oxygen support. 2.13.1 / 4.11.1 There’s a problem in searching for user profiles and taxonomy terms in 2.13.0, results may not be what is expected. This has been fixed in 2.13.1.…

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Premium 2.12 / Free 4.10

This version started as a small update to 2.11 and 4.9, but then a customer request made me add a major enough feature to warrant a bigger version number update. The big new feature in this version is multilingual stopwords and synonyms. If you’re using WPML or Polylang and have your site in multiple languages,…

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Premium 2.11 / Free 4.9

It’s been a while since the previous version, and the list of features and bug fixes in this version has grown long. This version includes several interesting new features, both for free and Premium. Free version users get access to better debugging tools. There’s now a Debugging tab in the Relevanssi settings, which lets you…

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Continue reading Premium 2.10 / Free 4.8

Premium 2.10 / Free 4.8

After the Summer break, Relevanssi is back with new versions, both to Premium and free. These are mostly small improvements, but when testing the new version, I discovered a bug in the comment indexing that has made Relevanssi not index comments when they are added. I’m not sure why this hasn’t come up in tests…

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Continue reading Premium 2.8 / Free 4.7

Premium 2.8 / Free 4.7

These versions add new features, but these are mostly small and of interest to developers. As a big change Relevanssi is now active in Media Library searches in the admin backend (if admin searches are enabled): feedback on this is welcome. Excerpts should be slightly better, especially when content stopwords are involved and post part…

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Premium 2.7 / Free 4.6

The main reason to release this new version is to fix a major problem with WordPress 4.9 compatibility. I strongly recommend moving on to WordPress 5 (and Classic Editor, if necessary), but this version removes the problem. Since there were couple of changes in Relevanssi behaviour included as well, this is a minor update and…

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