
apply_filters( 'relevanssi_pdf_read_timeout', int $seconds )

When Relevanssi has the remote server read the PDF contents, there’s a 45-second timeout involved. This filter hook can adjust that timeout.


(int) The length of the timeout period in seconds, default 45 seconds.

More information

Relevanssi uses wp_safe_remote_post() to make an HTTP request to the Relevanssi indexing server. The default timeout for requests made with that function is five seconds, which is generally not enough to send a PDF to the Relevanssi server, have the server process it and then get it back. Thus Relevanssi needs more time and sets the timeout to 45 seconds.

Sometimes that’s not enough. This will appear as timeout errors for the attachment reading process. If you start getting timeouts there, the first step is to increase the timeout:

add_filter( 'relevanssi_pdf_read_timeout', function( $timeout ) { return 90; } ); 

Adding this to your site will increase the timeout to 90 seconds.