Pre-sales FAQ

This FAQ aims to answer most pre-sales questions Relevanssi Premium customers have.

I have 100.000 posts. Can Relevanssi handle them?

Possibly. It depends on your hosting. With weak hosting, yes, there may be problems, and in any case, your database will be bigger than your hosting provider likes. With good hosting, Relevanssi may work even with millions of posts.

For a more powerful search, consider something hosted outside your own servers, like Algolia, Solr, or ElasticSearch. Check out WP Solr here.

Does Relevanssi work with theme X or plugin Y?

When someone asks us this, it’s usually about a plugin or theme we’ve never heard of, so the usual answer is, “We don’t know.” Divi, Avada, and Genesis work with Relevanssi, as do WooCommerce and ACF. BuddyPress doesn’t.

Can Relevanssi index PDF or other attachment content?

Yes! Relevanssi Premium can read the text contents of PDF files and find PDFs based on their content. The PDF indexing is done using an external web service, making it fast, reliable and very light on your server.

Can Relevanssi index this data I have somewhere?

Relevanssi can index the following things:

  • posts (all post types: posts, pages, custom post types)
  • user profiles (in Premium)
  • taxonomy terms (in Premium)

If the data you want to index doesn’t fall into these three categories (e.g., if it resides in a different database table), Relevanssi can’t access it.

Adding all sorts of data to the posts Relevanssi index is possible, but the basic unit is a post. If something isn’t a post (or a user profile or a taxonomy term, which Relevanssi can make look like a post), nothing can be done about it.

Is the payment yearly, one-off, or monthly?

Relevanssi Premium Annual license is a one-off payment (not an automatically renewing subscription) that buys you a year of support and upgrades. Once the year has passed, you will receive an email telling you your license has expired and offering you a 20% discount for renewing it.

You’ll enjoy another year of upgrades and support if you decide to renew. If you don’t renew, the plugin will continue to work, but you won’t be eligible for support and upgrades.

If you buy a Permanent license, your license will be good forever and won’t ever expire.

We are a charity operation or educational user, so can we get a discount?

Contact us for more information.

Can we get a trial?

No. No trial versions are available (here’s a lengthy explanation of why). For general compatibility tests, you can try the free version of Relevanssi. To try Premium features, you can buy a license and get a refund within 30 days if the plugin isn’t compatible with what you have.