Continue reading Premium 2.4.0 / Free 4.3.0

Premium 2.4.0 / Free 4.3.0

As suggested by the version numbering, versions 2.4.0 and 4.3.0 are major updates that change some of Relevanssi behaviour. Nothing should break, however, so updating from earlier versions is safe. New features Multi-phrase searches now respect AND and OR operators. If multiple phrases are included in an OR search, any posts with at least one…

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Continue reading Indexing and searching PDFs in WordPress

Indexing and searching PDFs in WordPress

Relevanssi Premium users have asked for PDF indexing since day one, and version 2.0 finally introduced this feature. Coming up with a fast and reliable method hasn’t been easy, but we’re pretty proud of what we have now. Our PDF indexer doesn’t tax your server as it runs as a service on a separate server.…

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