Continue reading Premium 1.14.3

Premium 1.14.3

Version 1.14.3 of Relevanssi Premium is out. This version includes small bug fixes. One of the bugs affects relevancy values of posts, which can be significant, so I would recommend updating. Fix for a small bug that caused inflated relevancy values. relevanssi_didyoumean_url has two more parameters (uncorrected query and the suggestion). The Did you mean…

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Continue reading Premium 1.11

Premium 1.11

Relevanssi Premium 1.11 fixes few bugs and adds lots of new filters. Fixed a bug in the TablePress support. Titles are put through the_title filter before indexing. relevanssi_related() function had a bug. New filter: relevanssi_join can be used to join tables in the Relevanssi search MySQL queries. Thanks to Ninos Ego. New filter: relevanssi_tax_term_additional_content can…

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