Continue reading WPML: Indexing synced posts

WPML: Indexing synced posts

When a post is updated, WPML updates all the translations of the post, but Relevanssi only indexes the post that was updated, not the corresponding posts in other languages. This method hooks into save_post after WPML to tell Relevanssi also to index the matching translations. Thanks to Garrett McGilvray / Éditions CEB. There’s a similar…

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Continue reading Polylang Pro: Indexing synced posts

Polylang Pro: Indexing synced posts

Polylang Pro has a feature to sync translations between posts. The problem with this and Relevanssi is that Relevanssi does not index the changes to the synced posts. With this filter function added to your site, Relevanssi will also index the synced posts: Thanks to Nico von Niederhäusern / Cubetech. There’s also a method for…

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Continue reading 10Web Photo Gallery

10Web Photo Gallery

The Photo Gallery plugin from 10Web uses a shortcode to add photo galleries to posts and pages. By default, Relevanssi doesn’t index the gallery contents. Photo Galler only registers the shortcode in the front end, so when Relevanssi indexes pages in the admin context, Relevanssi only sees the shortcode, not the gallery contents. To fix…

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Continue reading Premium 2.19 / Free 4.17

Premium 2.19 / Free 4.17

Version 2.19.0 (4.17.0 for the free version) was the big maintenance release after the summer break. Version 2.19.1 / 4.17.1 Minor fix: WooCommerce layered navigation compatibility function caused enough problems that I disabled it by default. The problems included performance issues and incompatibilities with third parties, like BeRocket. You can enable the feature with add_filter(…

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Continue reading Integrating Koko Analytics stats

Integrating Koko Analytics stats

It’s possible to integrate all kinds of external data to Relevanssi weights. Koko Analytics is a great analytics plugin. It collects stats about your visitors and stores them in the local database, which means those stats are available for Relevanssi. For some sites, this makes a lot of sense. For example, I have Kirjavinkit, a…

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Continue reading Polylang attachment searching

Polylang attachment searching

If Polylang is in use and you haven’t enabled “Media translation“, your attachment files won’t have a language. That’s fine, except when Relevanssi searches fail to find your attachment because they’re looking for posts in a specific language. Suppose you want to include attachments in Polylang searches. In that case, you can either enable “Media…

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Continue reading Oxygen and Ninja Tables

Oxygen and Ninja Tables

Relevanssi has support both for Oxygen and Ninja Tables, but the way the Ninja Tables support is done, it’s not working when used with Oxygen. The Ninja Tables support in Relevanssi is looking for the Ninja Tables shortcodes in the post content, but Oxygen keeps everything in custom fields. Fortunately, the fix is simple: you…

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