apply_filters( 'relevanssi_post_type_archive_ok', boolean $index, object $post_type )
This filter hook controls whether Relevanssi Premium indexes post type archives or not.
(boolean) If true
, index this post type archive. Default true.
(WP_Post_Type) The post type object.
More information
Relevanssi Premium can index post type archives. Relevanssi Premium will index the label and the description of the post type, and the results will point to the post type archive pages. You can use this filter hook to control which post types are included in the index.
This function would exclude the news
post type from the index:
add_filter( 'relevanssi_post_type_archive_ok', function( $index, $post_type ) { if ( 'news' === $post_type->name ) { $index = false; } return $index; }, 10, 2 );