Continue reading WooCommerce: Searching for orders

WooCommerce: Searching for orders

Searching for shop orders is tricky with WooCommerce. WooCommerce blocks searching the orders. WooCommerce also keeps the order data in many different tables. Because of this complexity, the shop_order post type is not available for indexing. You can enable it by adding this to your site: This is not enough, though. The order use custom…

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Continue reading Indexing custom post statuses

Indexing custom post statuses

If you’re using custom post statuses, Relevanssi requires some tinkering. By default, Relevanssi only handles posts that are of status publish, pending, draft or private. Relevanssi has a filter that lets you add more statuses to the list of acceptable statuses for Relevanssi. Add this to your site: This function, added to the two filters,…

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