Continue reading Indexing attachments from File blocks

Indexing attachments from File blocks

The Relevanssi attachment indexing assumes the files are connected to the posts using the WordPress attachment mechanism. What if you don’t use that but instead add the files to the pages using the File block in the block editor? That’s not a problem, but it requires some extra code. Add this function to your site…

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Continue reading ThemeCo


ThemeCo themes use custom codes for dynamic content. Those are not usual shortcodes, and Relevanssi won’t expand them automatically. In order to expand the dynamic content from ThemeCo themes, you need to use these filters: The critical part is running these filters on an early enough priority for relevanssi_post_content: Relevanssi page builder shortcode cleanup runs…

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Continue reading Visual Composer: Indexing headings

Visual Composer: Indexing headings

Relevanssi doesn’t by default index the headings in Visual Composer. The vcex_heading shortcode Visual Composer for the headings stores the heading text inside a shortcode attribute. By default, Relevanssi does not index shortcode attributes. In this case, indexing the shortcode attribute is necessary. Fortunately, it’s easy to fix with a simple function added to your…

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Continue reading Indexing only attributes from shortcodes

Indexing only attributes from shortcodes

I need to add some custom shortcodes to the list of the “removed” ones (so they don’t show in plain text in the results). However, some of them are built like [shortcode_name text=”Need to keep this in results”] and I would like the content in the text parameter to stay in the results. How do I go about this?…

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Continue reading ACF: Indexing ACF fields for taxonomy terms

ACF: Indexing ACF fields for taxonomy terms

Advanced Custom Fields makes it possible to add custom fields to taxonomy terms. You can only do this with Relevanssi Premium because the free version of Relevanssi can’t index taxonomy terms. Suppose you set Relevanssi to index custom fields. Relevanssi won’t index these taxonomy custom fields because taxonomy terms aren’t generally allowed to have custom…

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Continue reading Index custom field contents

Index custom field contents

Custom fields (also known as post meta or meta fields) are a major part of WordPress the default search won’t search. That’s a big problem for people who use solutions like Advanced Custom Fields or Carbon Fields to develop sites: on sites developed with custom field plugins large parts of the post, content may be…

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