Continue reading Year filter from the search query

Year filter from the search query

A good question was asked in the post Natural-language date queries: Is it possible to extend this so that I can simply add a the year in the search and only results from that year would show? The answer is yes! Add these functions to your site: The code consists of two functions. The first…

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Continue reading Forced phrase search with fallback

Forced phrase search with fallback

Relevanssi by default does not consider the search query a phrase, or value posts where the words in the search query appear together. Sometimes people do expect that, especially in AND searches. Relevanssi however does not have the information about the nearby words, so it’s not possible for Relevanssi to factor that in. Relevanssi does…

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Continue reading Excluding old content from the search

Excluding old content from the search

Is there a way to exclude anything before 2016 from search results? Yes. There are two approaches to this. If you never want to see anything old in the results, it’s best to filter in indexing with relevanssi_indexing_restriction. Add this to your site: Note that the restriction explains which posts are included in the index,…

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Continue reading Restrict search by author from the search query

Restrict search by author from the search query

You can set Relevanssi to index the post author, which will then let you find posts by searching for the name of the author. But what if you want a stricter filter? Where searching for an author would only show posts by that one author and nothing else? That’s possible too. Add this function to…

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Continue reading Natural-language date queries

Natural-language date queries

I just wanted to be able to type in a date on the search and for the search to come up with all the blog posts for that date. This is one of those tasks that sounds really simple, but is actually complicated. However, this question piqued my interest and turns out it isn’t that…

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Continue reading Searching Bible verses

Searching Bible verses

A surprisingly common problem with Relevanssi is Bible verses. All that meaningful punctuation and single digits make exact matching of Bible verses really difficult for Relevanssi, and when searching for Bible verses, exact results are what matters – hitting something similar is generally not very helpful. There’s an easy solution, though: use phrases. Wrapping the verse…

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Continue reading Debugging Relevanssi searching issues

Debugging Relevanssi searching issues

Relevanssi has plenty of useful filter hooks you can use to debug problems. Here are some examples of how you can use the Relevanssi filter hooks to debug issues. Add the functions one at a time to your site and run a search to see results. First, try the Relevanssi admin search. Before checking the…

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