Continue reading ACF: Indexing files from File fields

ACF: Indexing files from File fields

Relevanssi can index attachment contents from files linked to posts with ACF File fields. This does not happen automatically but requires some extra code. The code required depends on which return value you use for your ACF File fields. If you use “File ID”, the code looks like this: For “File Array”, the code looks…

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Continue reading Indexing embedded PDFs for the parent post

Indexing embedded PDFs for the parent post

Relevanssi can automatically index PDF content for the parent post if the PDF (or other attachment) is attached to the parent post in WordPress. However, that’s not always the case. Sometimes the PDF is attached to the page using an embed, which doesn’t create a connection between the posts in WordPress. Thus, Relevanssi won’t know…

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Continue reading Blocking pre and code tags

Blocking pre and code tags

If your posts have lots of programming code examples in <pre> and <code> tags, those might look pretty bad in the search results. A snippet of programming code isn’t usually a good excerpt, and if you use those tags purely for code snippets, they won’t likely contain significant search content, either. Fortunately it’s easy to…

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Continue reading Index custom field contents

Index custom field contents

Custom fields (also known as post meta or meta fields) are a major part of WordPress the default search won’t search. That’s a big problem for people who use solutions like Advanced Custom Fields or Carbon Fields to develop sites: on sites developed with custom field plugins large parts of the post, content may be…

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Continue reading bbPress: Indexing topics and replies

bbPress: Indexing topics and replies

Relevanssi does work with BBPress. BBPress forums, topics and replies are regular WordPress posts. In order to get Relevanssi working with BBPress, you need to make Relevanssi index post type topic (forget forum, and I think it’s better if you skip reply as well). Since topic is non-public post type, you also need to uncheck…

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