Continue reading ACF: Indexing ACF fields for taxonomy terms

ACF: Indexing ACF fields for taxonomy terms

Advanced Custom Fields makes it possible to add custom fields to taxonomy terms. You can only do this with Relevanssi Premium because the free version of Relevanssi can’t index taxonomy terms. Suppose you set Relevanssi to index custom fields. Relevanssi won’t index these taxonomy custom fields because taxonomy terms aren’t generally allowed to have custom…

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Continue reading SearchWP Live Ajax Search

SearchWP Live Ajax Search

Relevanssi doesn’t ship with a live search or autocomplete feature that would display results as the user types the search terms. There are many other plugins that provide this functionality, but few of these plugins work with Relevanssi. SearchWP Live Ajax Search is the best one that does. It’s very easy to use, most of…

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Continue reading WooCommerce: Indexing product variation SKUs for main product

WooCommerce: Indexing product variation SKUs for main product

Relevanssi can index product and product variation SKUs for WooCommerce products: just add _sku to list of custom fields to index. However, if you want to find the main product when searching for the product variation SKU, you need some extra code using the relevanssi_content_to_index filter hook. Add this function to your site and rebuild…

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Continue reading User Access Manager

User Access Manager

Relevanssi has a conflict with User Access Manager plugin. Both plugins attach to the same `the_posts` filter hook with the same priority, and if UAM runs after Relevanssi, it may cause some issues, like missing excerpts or even broken search results pages. The solution seems simple, however: at least in the one case I’ve run…

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Continue reading WooCommerce: Hidden products in search

WooCommerce: Hidden products in search

Relevanssi by default shows out-of-stock and excluded from catalogue WooCommerce products in the search results, but hides those set to excluded from search (before 2.2.2 and 4.1.2 the default behaviour was to show all products). It is quite easy to make Relevanssi not display hidden products in the results. The best way is to unindex…

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Continue reading bbPress: Private Groups support

bbPress: Private Groups support

Private Groups is a plugin that makes bbPress forum groups private. Relevanssi, however, doesn’t understand that privacy and will show those groups in the search results. Relevanssi has means to support this, however, with the help of the relevanssi_post_ok filter. Here’s some code from Mark Wass that makes the private forum posts private in search.…

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Continue reading Infinite Scroll from Jetpack

Infinite Scroll from Jetpack

Jetpack has Infinite Scroll, which is a pretty cool feature, but unfortunately doesn’t work with Relevanssi on search results pages. Infinite Scroll uses WP_Query to get more posts, and that isn’t compatible with Relevanssi. I’m not aware of a solution that would allow Infinite Scroll to work with Relevanssi. There isn’t enough room for customization…

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Continue reading Issues with post order plugins

Issues with post order plugins

If you’re getting low-quality results and the weight settings are not affecting the results, the first thing to check is to see if your results are coming from Relevanssi in the first place. That’s easy to check: disable Relevanssi and see if the results change. If the results change, they’re coming from Relevanssi. If the…

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Continue reading Yoast Local SEO

Yoast Local SEO

Yoast Local SEO plugin breaks Relevanssi search. It enhances the search by adding meta queries. Unfortunately they don’t work with Relevanssi. The fix is simple, though. Add this to the theme functions.php: add_filter( ‘relevanssi_modify_wp_query’, ‘rlv_meta_fix’, 99 ); function rlv_meta_fix( $q ) { $q->set( ‘meta_query’, array() ); return $q; }add_filter( ‘relevanssi_modify_wp_query’, ‘rlv_meta_fix’, 99 ); function rlv_meta_fix(…

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